Publikacje ze słowem kluczowym "taksonomia molekularna"

  1. Multigene phylogenetic data place monoraphid diatoms Schizostauron and Astartiella along with other fistula-bearing genera in the Stauroneidaceae / Ewa Górecka, Matt P. Ashworth, Nikolai Davidovich, Olga Davidovich, Przemysław Dąbek, Jamal S.M. Sabir, Andrzej Witkowski. // Journal of Phycology. 2021, vol. 57 iss. 5, s.1472-1491 DOI: 10.1111/jpy.13192 (WorkId 27644)
  2. The morphology and molecular phylogenetics of some marine diatom taxa within the Fragilariaceae, including twenty undescribed species and their relationship to Nanofrustulum, Opephora and Pseudostaurosira / Chun L. Li, Andrzej Witkowski, Matt P. Ashworth, Przemysław Dąbek, Shinya Sato, Izabela Zgłobicka, Malgorzata Witak, Jong Seong Khim, Chun-Jung Kwon. // Phytotaxa. 2018, vol. 355 no. 1, s.1-104 DOI: 10.11646/phytotaxa.355.1.1 (WorkId 19579)