Implementation of the concept of inclusive development in the legal order

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Implementation of the concept of inclusive development in the legal order
Robert Piszko
  • Piszko Robert ( Autor ) 5.7
    Afiliacja, Pracownik naukowy :
    Instytut Nauk Prawnych
Punktacja publikacji
Osoba Dysc. Pc k m P U Pu Opis
0000-0002-7113-4327 5.7 70 1 1 70,00 1,0000 70,0000 aut. roz., konferencja z listy
Gł. język publikacji
Angielski (English)
Data publikacji
6 (stron).
Szacowana objętość
0,38 (arkuszy wydawniczych)
Adres URL
Adres URL 2021-09-09
Uwaga ogólna
Konferencja: 37th International Business Information Management Association Conference (IBIMA), 30-31 May 2021, Cordoba, Spain.
The project is financed within the framework of the program of the Minister of Science and Higher Education under the name "Regional Excellence Initiative" in the years 2019-2022 001/RID/2018/19
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Dokument źródłowy
Innovation management and information technology impact on global economy in the era of pandemic : proceedings of the 37th International Business Information Management Association Conference (IBIMA), 30-31 May 2021, Cordoba, Spain / editor Khalid S. Soliman.. - King of Prussia : International Business Information Management Association, 2021
Strony: 11761-11766
Seria: Proceedings of the ... International Business Information Management Association Conference 2767-9640 ;
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The aim of the paper it to specify the possible ways to introduce the economic concept of inclusive development into the legal order of a specific country of the European Union, in particular into the legal order of Poland as a country of Eastern Europe. Introduction of such a concept may be done in an institutional and non-institutional manner. Institutional introduction involves legal implementation of the concept of inclusive development into a legal order. In turn, non-institutional implementation requires the creation of non-legal conditions for the functioning of such a concept. Following the analysis, it turns out that a limited implementation is not effective. The paper’s goal is pursued by specifying the notion of implementation, and then of the concept of inclusive development of civil society, naming determinants of legal implementation, and determinants of non-institutional implementation. The results of the analysis can be found in the final part (Discussion and conclusions). The explanation of this problem is a novelty because so far the issue of implementation has been addressed in reference to law (a semantic group relating to the decision theory), in particular EU law. The paper employs the method of linguistic analysis and economic analysis of law (Brozek and Stelmach 2006, pp. 104-160).

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