Advantages and disadvantages of introduction to the Polish legal order of a simple joint-stock company as a new type of a commercial company

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Advantages and disadvantages of introduction to the Polish legal order of a simple joint-stock company as a new type of a commercial company
Katarzyna Malinowska-Woźniak
Punktacja publikacji
Osoba Dysc. Pc k m P U Pu Opis
0000-0002-3442-7905 5.7 70 1 1 70,00 1,0000 70,0000 aut. roz., konferencja z listy
Gł. język publikacji
Angielski (English)
Data publikacji
6 (stron).
Szacowana objętość
0,38 (arkuszy wydawniczych)
Adres URL
Adres URL 2021-09-13
Uwaga ogólna
Konferencja: 37th International Business Information Management Association Conference (IBIMA), 30-31 May 2021, Cordoba, Spain.
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Dokument źródłowy
Innovation management and information technology impact on global economy in the era of pandemic : proceedings of the 37th International Business Information Management Association Conference (IBIMA), 30-31 May 2021, Cordoba, Spain / editor Khalid S. Soliman.. - King of Prussia : International Business Information Management Association, 2021
Strony: 6346-6351
Seria: Proceedings of the ... International Business Information Management Association Conference 2767-9640 ;
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The purpose of this paper is to present the outline of the legal construct of a simple joint-stock company as a new type of a commercial company, and also to assess the advantages and disadvantages of introducing provisions that regulate the operation of such a company in the Polish legal order. The discussion is carried out through the interpretation of applicable laws by analysing the normative regulation included in the Polish Commercial Companies Code (along with amendments that are to enter into force on 1 July 2021). After the research, a thesis was formulated that a simple joint-stock company in the Polish legal order should not become a new type of a commercial company, but it should rather be introduced to the Polish Commercial Companies Code as a certain type of a joint-stock company. Moreover, when creating the provisions on a simple joint-stock company the Polish legislator should not trigger a revolution in the commercial companies law. The introduced changes result in the creation of a new capital company which does not fit typologically within the existing classification into partnerships and capital companies, because a simple joint-stock company bears the features of a partnership and a capital company alike. The entry into force of provisions on a simple joint-stock company, however, has many advantages. First of all, entrepreneurs who conduct economic activity in Poland will have a greater choice as to the organizational and legal form of their business activity.

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