Questing as an alternative for mass tourism in times of the pandemic

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Questing as an alternative for mass tourism in times of the pandemic
Karina Tessar
  • Tessar Karina Natalia ( Autor ) 5.2
    Afiliacja, Pracownik naukowy :
    Instytut Gospodarki Przestrzennej i Geografii Społeczno-Ekonomicznej
Punktacja publikacji
Osoba Dysc. Pc k m P U Pu Opis
0000-0001-9951-5714 5.2 70 1 1 70,00 1,0000 70,0000 aut. roz., konferencja z listy
Gł. język publikacji
Angielski (English)
Data publikacji
10 (stron).
Szacowana objętość
0,63 (arkuszy wydawniczych)
Adres URL
Adres URL 2021-09-14
Uwaga ogólna
Konferencja: 37th International Business Information Management Association Conference, 30-31.05.2021, Cordoba, Spain.
Cechy publikacji
  • Publikacja konferencyjna

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  • Publikacja konferencyjna
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Dokument źródłowy
Innovation management and information technology impact on global economy in the era of pandemic : proceedings of the 37th International Business Information Management Association Conference (IBIMA), 30-31 May 2021, Cordoba, Spain / editor Khalid S. Soliman.. - King of Prussia : International Business Information Management Association, 2021
Strony: 11534-11543
Seria: Proceedings of the ... International Business Information Management Association Conference 2767-9640 ;
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The covid-19 pandemic is having a major impact on the entire tourism industry. Activities of accommodation facilities were restricted, transportation was impeded, access to many tourist attractions, cultural and entertainment institutions and recreational and sports facilities was limited. While being locked in their homes, people suffer from a lack of movement and social interaction, which are essential to keeping health and mental balance. For many people travel became a luxury, not so much in terms of affordability, but for safety and compliance reasons. However, there are forms of tourism and recreation that can be successfully developed in the times of the pandemic, while maintaining a sanitary regime. These include outdoor games such as questing. The aim of this paper is to present the qualities of questing as the perfect solution to the different challenges of 21st century tourism. This type of the game is now gaining popularity in times of epidemiological crisis, even though it was implemented in Poland over a decade ago. 

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