Effectiveness of Folic Acid Supplementation Recommendations among Polish Female Students from the Podkarpackie Region

Artykuł - publikacja recenzowana

Effectiveness of Folic Acid Supplementation Recommendations among Polish Female Students from the Podkarpackie Region
Maria Zadarko-Domaradzka, Ewa Kruszyńska, Emilian Zadarko
Sumy twórców
3 autorów
Punktacja publikacji
Osoba Dysc. Pc k m P U Pu Opis
0000-0003-2077-8568 3.3 140 1 3 140,00 1,0000 140,0000 Art.
Gł. język publikacji
Angielski (English)
Data publikacji
13 (stron).
Szacowana objętość
0,81 (arkuszy wydawniczych)
Identyfikator DOI
Adres URL
Adres URL
https://www.mdpi.com/2072-6643/13/3 2021-06-24
Uwaga ogólna
This article belongs to the Special Issue Effect of Folate Intake on Health Outcomes in Pregnancy.
Uwaga ogólna
Open Access - the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY).
Uwaga ogólna
Received: 24 December 2020 ; Revised: 13 March 2021 ; Accepted: 16 March 2021 ; Published: 19 March 2021.
Research was partially financed by the statutory funds of the University of Rzeszów, WWF/PB/1
Cechy publikacji
  • Oryginalny artykuł naukowy
  • OpenAccess
Dane OpenAccess
CC_BY - Licencja,
FINAL_PUBLISHED - Wersja tekstu,
OPEN_REPOSITORY - Sposób publikacji,
AT_PUBLICATION - Moment udostępnienia,
2021-03-19 - Data udostępnienia
Słowa kluczowe
( ISSN 2072-6643 )
Kraj wydania: Szwajcaria (Schweiz)
Zeszyt: vol. 13 iss. 3
Nr: 1001
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Adequate folic acid supplementation during the preconception period is an important element in the primary prevention of neural tube defects (NTDs). This study aims to study the effectiveness of folic acid supplementation recommendations among women of childbearing age, and to assess and characterise their awareness about this public health measure. The cross-sectional study included women (N = 1285) aged 22.27 ± 4.6 years old on average. Some of the results were obtained on a subgroup of women (N = 1127) aged 21.0 ± 2.1. This study was performed using a questionnaire. The analysis was performed with the use of a logistic regression model, chi-square test for independence and odds ratio (OR). According to the results, only 13.9% of women supplement folic acid, and 65.3% of them do so daily. A total of 91.1% of the respondents were not aware of its recommended dose and 43% did not know the role it plays in the human body. Among women who do not currently supplement folic acid (N = 1052), 52.4% declared doing so while planning their pregnancy. Women’s awareness about the role of folic acid in NTD prevention (OR = 4.58) and the information they got from physicians (OR = 1.68) are key factors that increased the odds of the women taking folic acid before pregnancy. There is therefore a need for more information and education campaigns to raise awareness about folic acid.

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