Visibility analysis as a tool in visual impact analysis procedures for environmental impact assessment in agricultural landscapes

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Visibility analysis as a tool in visual impact analysis procedures for environmental impact assessment in agricultural landscapes
Michał Kupiec, Elżbieta Dusza-Zwolińska
Punktacja publikacji
Osoba Dysc. Pc k m P U Pu Opis
0000-0003-0850-6105 5.2 70 1 2 49,50 0,7071 49,4970 aut. roz., konferencja z listy
Gł. język publikacji
Angielski (English)
Data publikacji
14 (stron).
Szacowana objętość
0,88 (arkuszy wydawniczych)
Adres URL
Adres URL 2021-06-21
Uwaga ogólna
Konferencja: 37th International Business Information Management Association Conference, 30-31.05.2021, Cordoba, Spain.
The project is financed within the framework of the program of the Minister of Science and Higher Education under the name "Regional Excellence Initiative" in the years 2019 - 2022; 001/RID/2018/19
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Dokument źródłowy
Innovation management and information technology impact on global economy in the era of pandemic : proceedings of the 37th International Business Information Management Association Conference (IBIMA), 30-31 May 2021, Cordoba, Spain / editor Khalid S. Soliman.. - King of Prussia : International Business Information Management Association, 2021
Strony: 6672-6685
Seria: Proceedings of the ... International Business Information Management Association Conference 2767-9640 ;
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Landscape Impact Assessment (LIA) is an integral element of the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) process. In comparison with other environmental issues, the Visual Impact Assessment (VIA) can become one of the most contentious points in the entire investment process. This is of particular importance for agricultural landscapes which have been under particular investment pressure in recent years. The paper presents a number of variants of the investment visibility analysis made for the EIA for various types of investments in the agricultural landscape. Similar GIS tools were used in the analyses, while the analysis parameters, input data and the applied field models varied depending on the nature of the investment. The purpose of the work is to present the impact of methodological assumptions and input data on the analysis results and to discuss the reliability of the results and the proper selection of the methodology of procedures for the analysed investments. Nonetheless, they enable a precise definition of the research area ("viewshed" delineation) for procedures determining the impact on landscape harmony, impact on cultural heritage or aesthetic and perceptual analyses from the field of landscape architecture methods.

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