Publikacje ze słowem kluczowym "South"

  1. Urszula Niewiadomska-Flis. The Southern Mystique: Food, Gender, and Houses in Southern Fiction and Films. València, Biblioteca Javier Coy d'estudis nord americans, 2012. 171 pages. : [Recenzja pracy: The southern mystique / Urszula Niewiadomska-Flis // 2016.] // Polish Journal of American Studies. 2016, vol. 10, s.249-251 (WorkId 8335)
  2. Performing South : the U.S. South as transmedial message / ed. by Beata Zawadka. - Szczecin : Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego, 2015 (WorkId 989)
  3. The scourges of the South? : essays on "The Sickly South" in history, literature, and popular culture / ed. by Thomas AErvold Bjerre and Beata Zawadka. - Newcastle upon Tyne : Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2014 (WorkId 979)
  4. „I Have (Not) Forgot Much, Cynara!" : "Gone With the Wind" as global sensibility / Beata Zawadka. - // W: Dixie matters : new perspectives on Southern femininities and masculinities / ed. by Urszula Niewiadomska-Flis ; The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin. Faculty of Humanities. Institute of English Studies.. - Lublin : Wydawnictwo KUL, 2013 (WorkId 6539)
  5. Dixie-Land : the U.S. South as a performative franchise / Beata Zawadka. - // W: Performing South : the U.S. South as transmedial message / ed. by Beata Zawadka. - Szczecin : Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego, 2015 (WorkId 6538)
  6. Elvis Culture(d), or how the South got democratized / Beata Zawadka. - // W: Unsteadily marching on : the U.S. South in motion / Constante Gonzales Groba, ed.. - Valencia : Publicacions de la Universitat de València, 2013 (WorkId 7099)
  7. Migrating South : the Julie and Julia affective franchise / Beata Zawadka. - // W: Exile and migration : new reflections on an old practise / Joanna Witkowska, Uwe Zagratzki (eds). - Hamburg : Verlag Dr. Kovač, 2016 (WorkId 7717)