Wszystkie publikacje typu "Artykuł"

  1. Implementation of the mechanisms of the European Union ‘s Common Agricultural Policy in Poland : lessons for Ukraine / Dorota Rdzanek. // Ukrainian Policymaker. 2021, vol. 8, s.102-107 DOI: 10.29202/up/8/10 (WorkId 27382)
  2. Legal and functional assumptions for water safety system during a pandemic / Tomasz Zalewski, Paweł Błasiak, Dorota Rdzanek. // European Research Studies Journal. 2021, vol. 24 special issue 4, s.227-236 DOI: 10.35808/ersj/2684 (WorkId 28615)
  3. The Choice between publicly and privetely financed Health Care Systems in the context of access to health care services in rural areas of West Pomerania Voivodship / Dorota Rdzanek, Marek Bulsa. // European Research Studies Journal. 2021, Volume 24 Issue 2B, s.363-370 DOI: 10.35808/ersj/2238 (WorkId 27338)
  4. The influence of the Common Agricultural Policy and UE funds on rural development after the accession of Poland to the European Union / Dorota Rdzanek. // Polish Political Science Yearbook. 2014, vol. 43, s.298-310 (WorkId 10491)
  5. Trzecia fala nacjonalizmu w XXI w : populistyczne Partie Radykalnej Prawicy (PRRP) w państwach Unii Europejskiej w Europie Środkowo-Wschodniej / Dorota Rdzanek, Andrzej Wojtaszak. // Społeczeństwo i Polityka : czasopismo edukacyjne. 2019, nr 4(61), s.11-23 DOI: 10.34765/sp.0419.a01 (WorkId 23919)