Publikacje ze słowem kluczowym "jakość życia"

  1. Quality of life and health behaviours of patients with low back pain / Wioletta Lubkowska, Justyna Krzepota. // Physical Activity Review. 2019, vol. 7, s.182-192 DOI: 10.16926/par.2019.07.22 (WorkId 22632)
  2. Satisfaction with life scale analyses among healthy people, people with noncommunicable diseases and people with disabilities / Elena Bendíková, Dagmar Nemček, Petra Kurková, Wioletta Lubkowska, Bożena Mroczek. // Family Medicine & Primary Care Review. 2018, vol. 20 no. 3, s.210-213 DOI: 10.5114/fmpcr.2018.76917 (WorkId 19376)
  3. Subjective perception of life quality among men with physical disabilities with different sport participation level / Dagmar Nemček, Julie Wittmannová, Tarja Javanainen-Levonen, Wioletta Lubkowska. // Acta Facultatis Educationis Physicae Universitatis Comenianae. 2020, vol. 60 iss. 2, s.194-206 DOI: 10.2478/afepuc-2020-0016 (WorkId 25661)