Publikacje ze słowem kluczowym "aesthetic competence"

  1. Polish version of the Aesthetic Experience Questionnaire : validation and psychometric characteristics / Agata Hiacynta Świątek, Małgorzata Szcześniak, Karolina Wojtkowiak, Michał Stempień, Marianna Chmiel. // Frontiers in Psychology. 2023, T.14 (1214928), s.1-14 DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2023.1214928 (WorkId 34374)
  2. The Ability to Integrate Beauty Scale (AIBS) : Construction and Psychometric Properties on a Scale for Measuring Aesthetic Intelligence as a Resource for Personal Development / Agata Hiacynta Świątek, Małgorzata Szcześniak. // Psychology Research and Behavior Management. 2023, , s.1647-1662 DOI: 10.2147/PRBM.S407553 (WorkId 33859)
  3. The mediating efect of the need for cognition between aesthetic experiences and aesthetic competence in art / Agata H. Świątek, Małgorzata Szcześniak, Michał Stempień, Karolina Wojtkowiak & Marianna Chmiel. // Scientific Reports. 2024, , s.1-9 DOI: 10.1038/s41598-024-53957-6 (WorkId 35742)