Publikacje z roku 2016

  1. Assessment of impact of the computer work station on the risk of musculoskeletal system diseases in banking sector employees / Wioletta Łubkowska, Mirosława Szark-Eckardt, Adrian Juszczyk, Magdalena Zając, Marta Stępień-Słodkowska, Bożena Mroczek, Pandya Chinmay. // Lase Journal of Sport Science. 2016, vol. 7 no. 2, s.93-106 DOI: 10.1515/ljss-2016 (WorkId 13763)
  2. Athlome Project Consortium : a concerted effort to discover genomic and other “omic” markers of athletic performance / Yannis P. Pitsiladis, Masashi Tanaka, Nir Eynon, Claude Bouchard, Kathryn N. North, Alun G. Williams, Malcolm Collins, Colin N. Moran, Steven L. Britton, Noriyuki Fuku, Euan A. Ashley, Vassilis Klissouras, Alejandro Lucia, Ildus I. Ahmetov, Eco de Geus, Mohammed Alsayrafi ; collaborators: Y.P. Pitsiladis, N. Eynon, C. Bouchard, K.N. North, A.G. Williams, M. Collins, C.N. C.N. Moran, S.L. Britton, N. Fuku, E. de Geus, V. Klissouras, E.A. Ashley, A. Lucia, I.I. Ahmetov, M. Alsayrafi, M. Tanaka, Y.P. Pitsiladis, N. Webborn, G. Wang, N. Eynon, D.J. Bishop, I. Papadimitriou, X. Yan, O. Tirosh, J. Kuang, C. Bouchard, T. Rankinen, M. Sarzinsky, E.A. Ashley, C. Mattsson, M. Wheeler, D. Waggott, N.M. Byrne, G.G. Artioli, M. Collins, M. Posthumus, W. van der Merwe, P. Cieszczyk, A. Leonska-Duniec, K. Ficek, A. Maciejewska-Karlowska, M. Sawczuk, M. Stepien-Slodkowska, J. Feller, P. Dijkstra, A.M. Chmutov, D.A. Dyatlov, E.F. Orekhov, Y.E. Pushkareva, I.A. Shvedkaya, M. Massidda, C.M. Calò, A.G. Williams, S.H. Day, G.K. Stebbings, R.M. Erskine, H.E. Montgomery, K.N. North, F.C. Garton, P. Houweling, W. Derave, A. Baguet, A. Lucia, C.A. Muniesa, F. Sessa, A. Petito, C. Sale, D.C. Hughes, I. Varley, E. de Geus, D. Boomsma, M. Bartels, G.E. Davies, V. Ginevičienė, A. Jakaitienė, V. Kučinskas, L. Tubelis, A. Utkus, K. Milašius, L. Tubelis, C.N. Moran, T. Venckunas, A. Skurvydas, A. Stasiulis, D. Malkova, R. Wilson, S.L Britton, L.G. Koch, N. Fuku, H. Zempo, H. Naito, N. Ichinoseki-Sekine, N. Kikuchi, E. Miyamoto-Mikami, H. Murakami, M. Miyachi, H. Takahashi, N. Ohiwa, T. Kawahara, H. Tsuchie, T. Tobina, N. Ichinoseki-Sekine, H. Tanaka, K. Kaneoka, K. Nakazato, I.I. Ahmetov, E.S. Egorova, L.J. Gabdrakhmanova, A.A. Arkhipova, A.V. Borisova, R.T. Gabbasov, A.A. Stepanova, R.I. Kashapov, V.A. Rogozkin, I.V. Astratenkova, A.M. Druzhevskaya, O.N. Fedotovskaya, N.D. Golberg, A.M. Hakimullina, E.S. Kostryukova, D.G. Alexeev, E.V. Generozov, D.S. Ischenko, N.A. Kulemin, A.K. Larin, E.A. Ospanova, A.V. Pavlenko, V.M. Govorun, A. A. Gilep, I. L. Gilep, I. V. Haidukevich, I. L. Rybina, S. B. Drozdovska, V. E. Docenko, V. N. Ilyin, E. Lekontsev, E.B. Akimov, M. El-Rayess, C. Georgakopoulos, M. Alsayrafi, F. Botre, K. Suhre, M. Hubank, V. Klissouras, B. Wolfarth, J.P. Greeves, T. Stellingwerff, C. Ranson, W. D. Fraser, R. Grealy, L. Griffiths, R. Scott, C. Mattsson, M. Tanaka, V. P. Pushkarev. // Physiological Genomics. 2016, vol. 48 no. 3, s.183-190 DOI: 10.1152/physiolgenomics.00105.2015 (WorkId 14122)
  3. Influence of biological factors on injuries occurrence in the Polish population / Marta Stępień-Słodkowska, Krzysztof Ficek, Mariusz Kaczmarczyk, Agnieszka Maciejewska-Karłowska, Marek Sawczuk, Jerzy Eider, Marian Sygit, Agata Leońska-Duniec, Paweł Ziętek, Katarzyna Sygit, Paweł Cieszczyk. // Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine. 2016, vol. 23 no. 2, s.316-319 (WorkId 12087)
  4. Review of traditional and natural methods of treating Alzheimer's disease / Maurycy Mieczkowski, Krzysztof Sieja, Marta Stępień-Słodkowska. // Central European Journal of Sport Sciences and Medicine. 2016, vol. 16 no. 4, s.67-75 DOI: 10.18276/cej.2016.4-07 (WorkId 18333)
  5. TNF-α concentrations in pre-operative synovial fluid for predicting early post-operative function and pain after fast-track total knee arthroplasty / P. Zietek, V. Dziedziejko, K. Safranow, J. Zietek, M. Stępień-Słodkowska, M. Bialecka, M. Zietek, D. Kotrych, A. Kamiński, A. Kowalska. // The Knee. 2016, vol. 23 iss. 6, s.1044-1048 DOI: 10.1016/j.knee.2016.02.013 (WorkId 13919)