Publikacje ze słowem kluczowym "dostęp do sądu"

  1. Mandatory representation by an attorney or legal counsel and access to the courts in civil cases / Kinga Flaga-Gieruszyńska. // Studia Iuridica. 2019, t. 81, s.247-266 DOI: 10.5604/01.3001.0013.5474 (WorkId 27721)
  2. The rights of the poor : polish model of eliminating barriers to access to justice in civil cases / Aleksandra Klich, Kinga Flaga-Gieruszynska. // African Journal of Clinical Legal Education and Access to Justice. 2014, vol. 3, s.27-72 (WorkId 10958)
  3. Mandatory representation by an attorney and access to courts / Kinga Flaga-Gieruszyńska. - // W: Civilističeskaà processual'naà mysl' : meždunarodnyj sbornik naučnyh statej. Vypusk 4, Advokatura / pod red. S. Á. Fursy.. - Kiev : Alerta, 2015 (WorkId 3987)