Artykuły w czasopiśmie "Journal of Nannoplankton Research"

  1. Morphological variation of pike structures in Corbisema (Silicoflagellata) from the Early and Middle Eocene / K. McCartney, K. Abe, R.W. Jordan, J. Witkowski. // Journal of Nannoplankton Research. 2015, vol. 35 iss. 2, s.177-184 (WorkId 13616)
  2. Two unusual silicoflagellate double skeletons / Kevin McCartney, Elisa Malinverno, Magali Schweizer, Jakub Witkowski, Jeremy R. Young. // Journal of Nannoplankton Research. 2014, vol. 33 iss.1, s.19-22 (WorkId 9865)