Publikacje z roku 2018

  1. Glosa do wyroku Sądu Najwyższego z dnia 26 czerwca 2015 r. I CSK 312/14 / Iwona Szymczak. // Rejent. 2018, nr 12(332), s.85-98 (WorkId 20936)
  2. How a choice of the legal form of garages affects on sale and management of them / Iwona Szymczak. // European Journal of Service Management. 2018, vol. 28/1 no. 4, s.313-319 (WorkId 22021)
  3. Responsibility for providing false information in the connection with provision of detective services / Iwona Szymczak. // European Journal of Service Management. 2018, vol. 28/2 no. 4, s.485-491 (WorkId 22134)
  4. The pattern of due diligence of the entrepreneur providing the property protection service which is the subject of compulsory protection / Iwona Szymczak. // European Journal of Service Management. 2018, vol.27/2 nr 3, s.461-466 DOI: 10.18276/ejsm.2018.27/2-56 (WorkId 21668)