Publikacje ze słowem kluczowym "Peatland"

  1. Multi-proxy inferred hydroclimatic conditions at Bęczkowice fen (Central Poland) : the influence of fluvial processes and human activity in the Stone Age / Mateusz Płóciennik, Aleksandra Jakiel, Jacek Forysiak, Piotr Kittel, Dominik K. Płaza, Daniel Okupny, Dominik Pawłowski, Milena Obremska, Stephen J. Brooks, Bartosz Kotrys, Tomi P. Luoto. // Acta Geographica Lodziensia. 2021, t. 111, s.135-157 DOI: 10.26485/AGL/2021/111/10 (WorkId 29080)
  2. Using remote sensing materials to assess the effects of peat extraction on the morphology and vegetation cover of a raised bog (Ludzmierz near Nowy Targ, Southern Poland) / W. Jucha, P. Mareczka, D. Okupny. // Mires and Peat. 2020, vol. 26 DOI: 10.19189/MaP.2019.OMB.StA.1835 (WorkId 25665)