Publikacje ze słowem kluczowym "endozoochory"

  1. Resurrection and typification of Elatine campylosperma (Elatinaceae), a long-forgotten waterwort species / Attila Takács​, Attila Molnár V., Balázs A. Lukács, Timea Nagy, Ádám Lovas-Kiss, Andy J. Green, Agnieszka Popiela, Lajos Somlyay. // PeerJ. 2018, vol. 6 DOI: 10.7717/peerj.4913 (WorkId 20327)
  2. The rare aquatic angiosperm Elatine gussonei (Elatinaceae) is more widely distributed than previously thought / Attila Takács, Attila V. Molnár, Orsolya Horváth, Gábor Sramkó, Agnieszka Popiela, Attila Mesterházy, Ádám Lovas-Kiss, Andy J. Green, Viktor Löki, Timea Nagy, Balázs A. Lukács. // Aquatic Botany. 2017, vol. 141, s.47-50 DOI: 10.1016/j.aquabot.2017.05.004 (WorkId 15674)