Artykuły w czasopiśmie "Journal of Phycology"

  1. Multigene phylogenetic data place monoraphid diatoms Schizostauron and Astartiella along with other fistula-bearing genera in the Stauroneidaceae / Ewa Górecka, Matt P. Ashworth, Nikolai Davidovich, Olga Davidovich, Przemysław Dąbek, Jamal S.M. Sabir, Andrzej Witkowski. // Journal of Phycology. 2021, vol. 57 iss. 5, s.1472-1491 DOI: 10.1111/jpy.13192 (WorkId 27644)
  2. The taxonomy and diversity of Proschkinia (Bacillariophyta), a common but enigmatic genus from marine coasts / So-Yeon Kim, Andrzej Witkowski, Jong-Gyu Park, Romain Gastineau, Matt P. Ashworth, Byoung-Seok Kim, David G. Mann, Chunlian Li, Anton Igersheim, Tomasz Płociński, Yeong-Du Yoo, Sang-Ok Chung, Edward C. Theriot. // Journal of Phycology. 2020, vol. 56 iss. 4, s.953-978 DOI: 10.1111/jpy.12998 (WorkId 25265)
  3. Toward a multigene phylogeny of the Cymatosiraceae (Bacillariophyta, Mediophyceae) II : morphological and molecular insights into the taxonomy of the forgotten species Campylosira africana and of Extubocellulus, with a description of two new taxa / Przemysław Dąbek, Matt P. Ashworth, Ewa Górecka, Marta Krzywda, Thomas G. Bornman, Shinya Sato, Andrzej Witkowski. // Journal of Phycology. 2019, vol. 55 iss. 2, s.425-441 DOI: 10.1111/jpy.12831 (WorkId 22240)
  4. Towards a multigene phylogeny of the Cymatosiraceae (Bacillariophyta, Mediophyceae) I : novel taxa within the subfamily Cymatosiroideae based on molecular and morphological data / Przemysław Dąbek, Matt P. Ashworth, Andrzej Witkowski, Chunlian Li, Thomas G. Bornman, Vítor Gonçalves, Jinsoon Park, Jong Seong Khim. // Journal of Phycology. 2017, vol. 53 iss. 2, s.342-360 DOI: 10.1111/jpy.12501 (WorkId 14834)
  5. Ultrastructural and molecular characterization of diversity among small araphid diatoms all lacking rimoportulae : I. five new genera, eight new species / Chunlian Li., Matt P Ashworth, Andrzej Witkowski, Christopher S Lobban, Izabela Zgłobicka, Krzysztof J Kurzydłowski, Song Qin. // Journal of Phycology. 2016, vol. 52 iss. 6, s.1018-1036 DOI: 10.1111/jpy.12460 (WorkId 13704)